
This is a work of fan fiction set in the Star Wars universe. It began as a writing exercise, and has since morphed into… well, this. I’m planning for it to span three episodes, each about 60,000 words, and I’ll be posting them one chapter at a time (frequency to be determined).

The central conceit here bears a bit of explanation. First, I wasn’t satisfied with Disney’s decision to ax the EU. So in this alternate timeline, all EU content from Episode III and earlier is considered canon, while all EU content post Episode III is considered Legends. I know that still sucks, but it was necessary for the second part of my idea: to take the starting characters of The Force Awakens and write a story that actually did them justice. Quite aside from the character assassinations of Han and Luke, Rey and Finn were never afforded the chance to grow and become their own characters. Most of the new characters we saw got a few minutes of screentime at best and often no character development before they were either unceremoniously killed or sidelined (Hux, Snoke, Phasma, etc).

This ‘trilogy’ doesn’t touch on a lot of the modern Disney inventions/shows. It’s basically a reset of the universe, as I’ve eliminated almost every change the Mouse made for the post-ROTJ timeline. I chose to work backwards from the characters’ presumed starting positions at the beginning of TFA, altering the course of events to make their starting positions logical (and yes, this means I have chosen to burden myself with a Luke-less universe for the first episode) and prove that with a bit of time and care, these characters and this overall concept for a new Star Wars series could have been good.

This site is not affiliated in any way with Lucasfilm Ltd. LLC, The Walt Disney Company, or any of their affiliates or subsidiaries. This site is not directly monetized and is hosted at the author’s own expense.

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